Wednesday, January 27, 2016


If I were a member of committee which will choose the person of the year, I would be in dilemma probably due to fact that I am dubious person. However, I have a type of person of the year in my mind. Firstly, I choose a person who love and protect animals, nature. To exemplify, in order to gain a reputation of the person of year, one should be more sensitive to our world. Since our world gives prosperity to all human being, we should be overprotective to it ; therefore, the person of the year should be protector and defender of natural sources and creatures of our world. Secondly, the person should be universal in sense of his\her opinions, beliefs, religion. I mean that the person of the year should not be defender of any group, political belief. In order to be good example of person, s\he should be fair and unbiased to every belief which s\he will face with any time. Thirdly, the person of the year should be educated person. For example, the person of the year should have ability to speak many people who come from different countries, or the person should have information about science. If one knows science, s\he can conquer the world with her\his knowledge. To conclude, I give a chance to person who is universal, protective to nature and has knowledge about science so as to become the person of the year.

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