Thursday, January 28, 2016

Reflection Task 1A

Hi everyone, I am Yonca. I study in Foreign Language Education in METU. This year is the second year of me. I was in preparatory school last year. And I had many chances for participant of any club in METU. I already have chosen my choice and took part in AGT. It means ANKARA Gönüllüleri Takımı. This club needs voluntary works. Due to fact that I want to be teacher, this club has many advantages for me. We have many different social events. Firstly, every weekend we go to the some parts of Ankara where students need help any field.  When we go their homes, we help them in their home works, education, and social life. We also organized events for them such as visiting museums, going theatres. We actually socialize and communicate with children who need help. We call each other Kardeş. To conclude, I love being part of this club, and I suggest everyone to take part in. if you want to see what we do in Ankara, you can click the link.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

PEER EVALUATION 3 ON Merve GUZEL's Reflection Task 2A

My Introductory Task

I’m Fatoş Yonca. I’m one of the luckiest students who have a chance to study in this department in METU. I’m really proud of being here. I have chosen this department for many reasons, but the most substantial reason is the dream of being a qualified teacher in the future. The will of teaching pushed me to be here. I’m happy about the choice of studying in foreign language education department in METU, and I know that I will not regret about my decision. This is the my second year in METU. I was a student in preparatory school last year. I have gained some skills such as reading and writing. I had tried to develop my English in many ways. This year unlike the preparatory school, I have different expectations from this department. My expectations are about especially having a wide knowledge in education matters which help me to be a teacher who knows not only have knowledge about basic subjects of English language but also have an ability of provoking and stimulating the other people for learning. There are some challanges in this department like the other departments in METU. One of these challanges is speaking for me, so my priority is improving my speaking skill. I am going to focus especially on it. If I can handle it, I believe that the other skills are going to be better automatically. I really like this campus because of so many reasons such as its educational system, environment and the social opportunities that it has. In five years, I see myself still here while studying or working. If I have a chance to continue my education here, I will be glad to do my master degree in METU. To conclude, I’m  here to improve myself in both social and educational way. I will do everything that I can to reach my aims.

Reflection Task 2A : Problems which should be solved in Turkey's education system

I think that there are most important issues that should be solved immediately in Turkey. The first one is inequality. There is a huge gap between the east and the west of Turkey; therefore the education level cannot rise fairly. It is a rank injustice of the government. It cannot be solved by doing same facilities with the west part of Turkey. It is the thing that should be done is giving more importance to this part of country for making great improvement. For example, the Fatih Project cannot give the same advancement in the east as much as the west. There are many things that should be done, and changed before the Fatih project. For example many students and their families have not money to meet the expenses of education, or schools have not capacity of providing students to have a good education. The second problem is the exams consisting of LYS, YGS, SBS, ÖSS. They are the exams that are really crucial for the students to get into universities, high schools; however students cannot gain any efficacious knowledge about real life. These subjects only consist of boring and theoretical stuff. And also exams cause stress while students are preparing the exam. In Turkey, these exams’ types always are changing, so both students and teacher can baffle. They cannot create an organization that will be useful for them due to change of exams.

PEER EVALUATION ON Gamze Nur ÇETİN's Reflection Task 3

PEER EVALUATION 1 ON Hayriye KANLI's Reflection Task 1A


If I were a member of committee which will choose the person of the year, I would be in dilemma probably due to fact that I am dubious person. However, I have a type of person of the year in my mind. Firstly, I choose a person who love and protect animals, nature. To exemplify, in order to gain a reputation of the person of year, one should be more sensitive to our world. Since our world gives prosperity to all human being, we should be overprotective to it ; therefore, the person of the year should be protector and defender of natural sources and creatures of our world. Secondly, the person should be universal in sense of his\her opinions, beliefs, religion. I mean that the person of the year should not be defender of any group, political belief. In order to be good example of person, s\he should be fair and unbiased to every belief which s\he will face with any time. Thirdly, the person of the year should be educated person. For example, the person of the year should have ability to speak many people who come from different countries, or the person should have information about science. If one knows science, s\he can conquer the world with her\his knowledge. To conclude, I give a chance to person who is universal, protective to nature and has knowledge about science so as to become the person of the year.